
Lviv travel guide Momondo. Restaurant “Valentino” recommends

The Valentino restaurant recommends using the Momondo guide.

Momondo is a travel meta-search system developed in Copenhagen that allows users to find and compare offers for air tickets, hotels, rental cars and other travel services. Momondo redirects users to the sites of agencies and airlines that directly sell tickets. Additional features include the ability to assess the attractiveness of tickets, based on the cost of the flight and travel time

Momondo began operations in September 2006 as a search engine for airline tickets. In October 2007, momondo was updated and supplemented with online travel guides and articles, adding hotel searches, package tours, car rentals and other travel services. In March 2011, a mobile application was launched. The service is translated into 16 languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, and Turkish. In April 2011, momondo and its parent company Skygate were sold to the Anglo-American service Cheapflights Media Ltd (now called Momondo Group Ltd). Momondo is headquartered in Denmark, and the company continues to operate as an independent organization.

Our restaurant “Valentino” is also in this guide, so we recommend visiting us for coffee and breakfast in the morning, for lunch, business lunch at lunch, for a romantic dinner in Lviv. We also invite you to spend an unforgettable evening with a glass of wine and snacks of both Italian and Ukrainian in our wine hall or wine cellar to taste one of our collection wines accompanied by the history of the sommelier restaurant “Valentino”, located in the center of Lviv.
